Things You'll Need
Traditional Irish Girl Dolls
Hold the clothespin so the closed, clip portion is at the top and the squeezable end is at the bottom. The squeezable end will be the doll legs and the clip portion will be the head.
Color the bottom of the legs brown or black; these will be the doll shoes. Color or draw a face on the flat side of the head portion of the doll.
Cut two rectangles out of fabric, each one being no more than 3 inches wide. This will create a dress for a girl doll. Put glue down the front of the clothespin where you would like the dress. Press the center of one piece of fabric onto the clothespin and allow it to dry.
Repeat the previous step on the back of the clothespin. Excess fabric should hang off either end of the doll on the back and front. Trim the back piece from the "waist" of the doll up to the edge of the clothespin. Wrap the excess fabric from the waist up, in the front around the back of the clothespin and glue in place. The skirt should flair out away from the rest of the clothespin. Glue together the edges of the front and back skirt piece.
Cut red yarn to the length of the desired doll hair. Glue to the head of the doll. Cut pieces of yarn, ribbon and other fabric to form decorations for the shirt. Glue to the skirt in the desired formation or pattern. Use markers to draw a Celtic symbol on the fabric.
Leprechaun Dolls
Repeat steps one and two above, up until the creation of the dress.
Cut a square, about an inch tall, out of green fabric. Place glue on the clothespin on the ̶0;chest" area of the clothespin doll. Glue the center of the circle onto the clothespin. Glue the remaining loose flaps around the rest of the clothespin so the entire top portion is covered, front and back.
Cut a small, half-inch tall triangle out of white fabric and glue upside down on top of the green fabric. Line up the flat edge of the triangle with the top edge of the square. Once attached, the garment should look like a vest.
Glue the end of the black ribbon to the bottom of one leg of the doll. Add glue to the remaining exposed area of both legs and up to the bottom hem of the vest. Wind the ribbon up one leg, around the waist and down the other to create pants.
Cut the red yarn to the desired hair length and glue it to the head of the doll. If desired, cut a top hat shape out of black fabric or construction paper and glue it to the head of the doll.