Woodworkers can make games from wood, such as chess or checkerboards. Rocking horses, children's furniture, as well as doll house furniture are popular wooden toys that continue to be hits with kids. Other common wooden toys include trains, airplanes, vehicles and boats. For toddlers and small children, wooden pull-toys and simple puzzles are a few favorites.
Making wooden toys offers many advantages over buying synthetic or plastic toys for children. They're safer without health hazards, besides lasting longer. What's more wooden toys are environmentally friends, compared with toys using disposable batteries that can be toxic to the environment. In addition to all these benefits, wooden toy makers receive the satisfaction of working with their hands.
Basic Materials
Materials needed for making wooden toys may vary depending on the type of toy to be made. However, basic materials needed for making wooden toys include hardboard, plywood, hardwood dowel, wooden molding, sandwood sinks, glue, wire wool, pins and wood filler. Useful tools include rulers, pencils, retractable measuring tape, knives, chisels, hammers, handsaws, try squares, screwdrivers, pincers and hand drills.
Basic Techniques and Skills
Woodworkers use construction techniques such as fret-sawing, which is using a particular saw for cutting intricate work which typically involves tight curves. Rivet joining, which involves joining steel or aluminum plates, is another basic skill. Often workshops offered by local woodcraft stores teach techniques needed for making toys. Step-by-step instruction is also given on websites and in various woodworking books.
Wooden toys should have a smooth surface that isn't splintered. Any rough patches or splinters need sanding them down so they are safe and splinter free for a child handling the toy. Also, a wooden piece should be made large enough when small children are around it, so it can't be placed in mouths.
Roman children enjoyed playing with wooden horses and chariots. The first puzzles were made in 1760 from wood by mapmaker John Spilsbury who glued a map to a thin wooden board he cut into pieces. Wooden puppets were a popular wooden toy for children living during the Middle Ages. In 1916, Lincoln Logs, which continue to sell, were created by the son of famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. Wooden cars, fire trucks and airplanes grew popular with children following World War I.