Things You'll Need
Cut the 2-by-4s to 60 inches in length. These will serve as the runners of your sled. Set aside the cutoffs as they will be used for the cross members of the sled.
Set up the table saw to cut 45-degree angles. Cut each runner to a 45-degree angle on one end.
Use a sander to round off the sharp edges of the angle cut.
Lay the two runners on edge, with the angle cuts on the bottom.
Attach the 30-inch cutoffs from the 2-by-4s between the two runners. Place the front cutoff approximately 2 inches behind the 45-degree angle, and the back cutoff approximately 2 inches from the end. Use at least three wood screws for each connection.
Cut a sheet of treated plywood to 38 inches wide and 56 inches long. This will fit over the surface of the sled and serve as the seat of the sled.
Attach the plywood to the sled runners using two 1/2-inch galvanized wood screws every 2 inches.
Use the drill to bore two holes into the plywood at the front of the sled approximately 2 feet apart.
Tie a knot in one end of the 3-foot-long rope. Thread the other end through one of the drilled holes.
Thread the end of the rope though the other hole and tie a knot in the end to secure it in place. This serves as the handle of your completed sled.