Things You'll Need
Decide on the type of toy you want to make. Some popular wooden toys include boats, play guns or animals.
Choose your wood. A great starter wood is pine because it is soft and very forgiving. If you feel more confident with your carving, try a harder wood like walnut.
Choose the size you'd like the toy to be, and then cut a piece of wood roughly four times that size. For instance, if you want you toy boat to be five inches tall, then start with a block of wood that is roughly 20-by-10 inches. This will leave you plenty of room to carve the toy down and allow for some mistakes. You don't want to be left with a 1-inch boat.
Lay a piece of carbon paper (available at craft or dressmaking stores) onto the wood and trace out a rough sketch or pattern for the toy. It doesn't have to be perfect, but should give you the general idea of the design and style of the toy.
Begin with a small carving knife, make long and smooth beginning cuts as you work the wood. Follow your pattern, and cut away pieces a little at a time.
When you have the general shape of the toy, use the tip of the knife to carve in detail work. Work carefully. Remember that the more detail you have, the more authentic the toy will look. If you are carving a toy boat, consider adding masts, life preservers, roping, or anything else that will make it look more real. A fun idea is to carve in the name of the boat on the side.
Varnish the toy when it is finished.