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How to Make Wooden Wagon Wheels

Wooden toys are great for young children because they are durable and many can be made rather than bought. A wooden wagon is a toy sure to be treasured by little girls and little boys alike. However, a wagon without wheels is just a box. You can make wooden wagon wheels easily.

Things You'll Need

  • String Pencil Ruler Plywood Drill Jigsaw Sandpaper
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  1. Making Wooden Wagon Wheels

    • 1

      Cut a piece of string slightly longer than half the desired diameter of your wheel.

    • 2

      Tie one end of the string around a pencil and pin the other end of the string to your plywood with your finger.

    • 3

      Pull the pencil until the string is taunt and trace a circle around your finger, this is the outline of your wooden wagon wheel.

    • 4

      Drill a hole big enough for your jigsaw blade to fit through, just outside the outline for your wheel.

    • 5

      Cut out your wooden wheel with your jigsaw and sand the rough edges. Remember to cut carefully, your wheel needs to be as close to perfectly round as possible.

    • 6

      Locate the center of your wheel and drill a hole just big enough to fit a screw through it so that the wheel can be attached to your wagon.

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