Explore the World of Wooden Pull Toys
Look for high quality and durability in the material and design of pull toys. Wooden pull toys should be designed for developing strength and coordination in toddlers.
Select wooden pull toys that are filled with action and noise as they move along. Click-clack noises and wobbly movements such as a duck or other animal keep the interest of toddlers around the age of 18 months and older.
Find pull-along animal toys an excellent way to entertain your toddler and to teach the names of the various animals. Make a game of naming the animals and identifying their sounds each time the toy is used.
Choose colorful wooden pull toys to teach your toddler the various colors. The vividness and the movement of each toy is sure to intrigue him.
Select a pull along dog toy for your toddler to pretend walking the dog. Choose one that wiggles and waggles for a fun-filled encounter.
Delight the active toddler with wooden pull toys that come apart. Toys such as trains with blocks that tumble with active turns will bring squeals of joy with every spill. Teach coordination skills by encouraging your child to rebuild the train.
Give your toddler a new best friend with a select wooden pull along. Toddlers tend to develop an association with their toys, and active pull toys make great conversation pieces. Choose toys of interest such as dogs, elephants, frogs and ducks.
Take a trip with your toddler when you choose wooden pull cars and trucks. Teach the "stop" and "go" concept with special markers in the play area.
Utilize wooden pull toys as a means of bringing a child's favorite storybook characters to life. For instance, a rabbit for "Peter Rabbit" or a cat for "The Cat in the Hat" expands your child's imagination through wood toys.