Walk down the path before you directly to King Zora's chambers in Zora's Domain. Speak with him and take his diving challenge. Go down the pathway on the left and speak to the Zora there, who administers the diving challenge.
Collect five rupees in the limited time allotted. If you don't succeed the first time, keep trying until you win the Silver Scale. Collect your prize from King Zora.
Dive down the waterfall. Swim away from the waterfall and spot a tunnel in the direction of King Zora's Chambers. Dive and swim toward the tunnel, which will take you to Lake Hylia.
Arrive in Lake Hylia. Swim away from the tunnel entrance and toward the second pillar protruding from the water. Spot a bottle nearby, which contains a letter from Princess Ruto and dive down to collect it.
Return to Zora's Domain. Reach King Zora's Chambers and show King Zora the letter. He will move out of the way, allowing you to pass to Lord Jabu Jabu