Get Relm
Fly to Jidoor, the town north of Maranda.
Enter the large mansion at the back end of the city. This house belongs to Owzer, the eccentric art collector that you met in the World of Balance.
Read the diary on the desk.
Talk to the painting of the woman at the bottom-left corner of the gallery. A secret door will appear.
Walk through the right door and then enter the left door in the next room
Speak to the painting in the middle and defeat the enemies that appear.
Enter the next room and pick the right door. Owzer and Relm are there, held hostage by the painting.
Speak to the painting to trigger the battle. Defeat the enemy. After a cut-scene, Relm will join the party.
Get Strago
Fly to the Cultists' tower and enter the party-selection menu.
Swap out a character for Relm and exit the airship.
Enter the tower and speak to Strago. After a cut-scene and some dialogue, Strago will come to his senses and join the party.