Look for turns on the track that are conducive to the three maximum boosts available from one power slide. Generally, wide gradual curves are the best for power sliding. Use wide curves to get the best possible power slide with three boosts in one slide.
Press and hold "R1" when going into the turn in order to jump and begin your slide. It is best to perform this jump at the very beginning of the turn in order to have maximum distance for your slide.
Watch the "Turbo Boost Meter" in the far right corner of the screen. When, during your power slide, the meter fills and becomes red, press the "L1" button in order to initiate a boost while still holding "R1." After pressing "L1," your Turbo Boost Meter will begin to fill again. When the meter turns red a second time, press "L1" again for a second boost. Repeat this one more time for a third boost. Your meter will not fill again until you initiate another power slide.