"Super Mario 64" was the first three-dimensional Mario game to be released for the Nintendo 64. The game begins with Mario receiving a note from Princess Peach inviting him to the castle. When he arrives, however, he finds that Princess Peach has been kidnapped by Bowser. Mario must fight his way through 15 levels, which are hidden in paintings, to earn enough stars to fight Bowser. The ninth level, "Dire, Dire Docks," is completely underwater. Players must take care to navigate Mario through the course without drowning or receive a "Game Over."
Jump into the "Dire, Dire Docks" painting. You will be teleported into the level, then fall into the water.
Dive underwater and locate the large stingray swimming near the surface. Behind the stingray will be several rings.
Swim through five of the rings in a row. The star will appear over the whirlpool in the center of the lake.
Swim to the whirlpool and collect the star.