Download the latest version of DreamSNES from the DC Emulation website. This application will allow you to play Super Nintendo games on your Dreamcast console.
Search the Internet to acquire SNES ROM images for the games you legally own.
Create a new folder to store the downloaded ROM files. Unzip the ROMS that you download to this directory.
Download DC Factory 0.9.5 and RomList from the DCEmulation website. Obtain RomList from the "DreamSNES" page and DC Factory 0.9.5 from the "Needed Tools" page. Unzip both files and open the "romlst-1.2" directory.
Open the dcfactory-0.9.5-FULL.exe file to install the application. The program will install to your Program Files directory. Open the dcfactory.exe file and insert a blank CD-R into your computer's disc drive.
Allow DCFactory to boot up. You may receive messages that certain "news" and "scripts" files couldn't be located, but the program will still work. Select "Tasks" when the application launches.
Select the "DreamSNES" item at the bottom of the screen and click "Perform Task." Click "Next" and browse to the path of your "dreamsnes" .zip folder. Next, select the path of your "roms" folder.
Specify the location of your ROMS.LST file. You will now be prompted to create a .CDI or .NRG image.
Select "CDI" if you own "Alcohol 120%" or "Disc Juggler." Choose "NRG" if you own the program "Nero Burning ROM." If you do not own a licensed version of any of these programs, visit their websites to download a free trial version.
Allow DCFactory to create a disc image. Now burn the image using your image burning software of choice. Remove the CD-R from your computer when the process is complete.
Load the disc into your Dreamcast. Turn on the console and choose to start the program. You will now be able to play your favorite SNES games on the system.