Enable the "Auto-Patch" in ZSNES. Start the ZSNES program. Go to the "Configurations" tab in the program window. Select "Options."
Look for the IPS patch file, which ends in .ips in the "Saves Directory" list of your ZSNES emulator. The .ips file should have a file name that matches the ROM file with .ips as the end, such as "SD3.sfc" and "SD3.ips" or "Seiken Desetsu 3 (J).zip" and "Seiken Densetsu 3 (J).ips". If it isn't there, look for it in the directory or folder that the ZSNES ROM has been saved in.
Move the .ips patch file into the ROM file archive, or the same file folder as the ROM. Load the ROM file by double clicking on it, and the ROM should apply the patch automatically to its files as ZSNES has a "soft-patch" ROM feature. After the ZSNES loads a ROM or game image into its memory, it applies the patch to the in-memory ROM data and eliminates the need to keep the original and patched versions of the emulator on your hard drive.