Defeat Bowser in the Dark World. Bowser will drop a key that will unlock the basement floor.
Go to the basement and continue earning stars until you have at least 30. This will unlock the large star door located in the basement.
Walk through the wall of water, and complete the first mission in Dire, Dire Docks. When the level is complete, the wall will move to reveal a hole in the floor.
Jump down the hole. This will take you to Bowser's lair in the sea of fire.
Jump onto the blue, grated platform once the level begins. The platform will move, and you will have to jump over other platforms to avoid falling off. Jump onto the poles and shimmy to go up (push up on the joystick).
Jump to grab the sheet of grating and move your joystick to swing across it.
Run up the ramps. Go across the ledges separated by lava. Ride the poles down, or wall jump over the lava.
Jump down the tube at the end of the course. This will take you to Bowser.