Visit Outset Island after you rescue Aryll. Climb to the top of the island; you will see a ledge across the water. Climb on top of the lone rock. Play the "Wind's Requiem" and choose "West" when the compass appears. The wind will begin blowing towards the cave. Equip a Deku leaf and jump off the rock toward the ledge.
Proceed into the black entrance and you'll arrive in another location. The path forward is linear, so run through the area until you arrive at a large rock. Place a bomb near the rock and run away. The rock will blow up. Enter the cave and a Great Fairy will give you a wallet that can hold 1,000 rubies. Exit the cave and go back to the main portion of Outset Island.
Earn 201 rubies and go to a mailbox. Click the "IN-credible Chart" to purchase it for 201 rubies. Open the chart. The purple scrolls on the chart indicate the locations of the Triforce charts. Go to one of the locations to obtain one of the charts. After you acquire one of them, earn 398 rubies and go to Tingle Island.
Talk to Tingle and ask him to decipher the chart for 398 rubies. You must do this for the remaining seven charts. After deciphering each chart, open the IN-credible chart. The locations of the Triforce pieces will appear. Visit each location to obtain all the pieces of the Triforce.