Play the game until you reach the Spirit Temple, located in the Western Desert. Since the Spirit Temple is the game's final dungeon, you must complete the other dungeons and obtain the items within to have the necessary tools to get to the temple.
Enter the temple, then walk back out to start a cut-scene. After the scene is over, you will learn the Requiem of Spirit song.
Play the Prelude of Light song to return to the Temple of Time. Replace the Master Sword in the back of the temple to become a child, then play the Requiem of Spirit song to return to the Spirit Temple.
Enter the Spirit Temple as a child. You will now be able to access a straightforward path through the temple. At the end of this path is the temple's throne room. Use the door behind the throne room to find yourself on a ledge outside of the temple. Cross the ledge to find a large chest with the Silver Gauntlets inside.