Play through the game until you reach Darunia. The game takes you here naturally, and there is a sign outside the town that labels it.
Enter the largest house in the city. The woman will ask you to find her missing child.
Play through the game until you reach Maze Island. The game takes you here naturally.
Defeat all of the enemies as you go through the cave. Despite its name, there is no maze puzzle to figure out to reach the child.
Press "A" as you reach the child to collect him. Return him to the woman in Darunia.
Go into the basement of the same house. The man in the basement will teach you the Reflect spell.
Press "Start" and select "Reflect" to enable the spell. When a Wizzrobe shoots fireballs at you, face the fireball to automatically reflect it. It will bounce off your shield and back to the assailant.