Go on patrol. Patrolling players drive through the entire city fulfilling instant missions which can be accessed and tracked via the in-game map (press M to access this). Patrolling in yellow ring zones is optimal. Completing the missions as quickly as possible increases the odds of obtaining a "Mittron Enhancer", essentially a score multiplier, which can substantially boost the rewards involved. Making accurate turns and avoiding obstacles will also optimize your revenue.
Form parties for patrolling in the Undercity. Parties can be formed by anywhere between 2 and 30 players. Undercity is an instanced dungeon that pits groups of players against teamwork-oriented challenges. Mittron Enhancers are available to groups who can complete these missions in a certain period of time, ideally under 30 minutes. The more HUVs (Higg-Tech Unmanned Vehicles) each player can take on in each stage of the raid, the higher the chance of getting Mittron Enhancers.
Get yourself into a Rush Time group. Rush Time players join in massive "boss battle" HUV chases with substantial rewards offered for success. To begin, get 10 players within the Rush Time circle. Often, specially-instanced Rush Time events will be scheduled by the administrators of the game. During a Rush time battle, users gain mito by crashing into one of the boss HUVs. The user who deals the killing blow to a particular boss will receive 3 Mittron Enhancers for their trouble. Note that Rush Time mode offers the only way to unlock the highest-level parts and items in Drift City.