Collect power-ups. As Hiryu goes through the game, he can collect a series of power-ups hidden inside canisters. While some just give you extra points, other power-ups aid his gameplay. The sword power-up doubles the range of his sword, Falchion, which not only allows you to hit enemies that are farther away but also to cause more damage to ones closer to you. An image of Hiryu gives you an extra life, and the golden image of him makes you invulnerable for a short while. Even the smallest health boost can help you in your final battle against Grandmaster Meio.
Use bots to cause damage to Meio. Hidden inside the canisters are the bots, robotic allies who travel throughout the game with you. "Strider" has three types of bot. Diplodal Saucer will hover around you and charge into any enemies in your radius. Hold down the slash button on your controller to make it shoot an electric bolt. If you lose an energy bar, the Saucer disappears. Collect two Diplodal Saucers to power-up the next bot, a Terapodal RoboPanther. Use this bot to attack any enemy within range. You will lose this bot after you suffer any damage. The final bot is the Robot Hawk, which hovers around you and damages any enemies that walk into it. It stays alive for 12 seconds
Collect the power-ups in the final battle. On the final screen, you can collect two power-ups: a full-life power-up on the upper left and a sword range-extender on the upper right. Grab both of these as soon as you can. Grandmaster Meio attacks by casting lightning bolts at you, which then turn into either wolves, pterodactyls or swarms of fish. Stand on the platform to the left of where you materialize. Try to strike Meio's blue orb repeatedly. He occasionally stands still, and this is the best time to hit him. If you kill him at the same time he kills you, the game considers this victory for you, so you do have an advantage. Congratulations, you have saved the planet Earth!