Things You'll Need
Download N-Rage Input Plug-in v2.2 Beta.
Open the downloaded file with a program capable of opening .zip files. Copy the file "NRage_Input_V2.dll" and paste it in the "Plug-in" folder of your emulator program.
Open a game with your emulator program. Make sure that the N-Rage plug-in is selected by opening the "Options" drop-down menu, clicking on "Settings" and selecting the N-Rage plug-in under the "Input" or "Controller Plug-in" drop-down menu.
Determine which keyboard and mouse options will correspond to the controller's various buttons. Under the "Options" menu, select "Configure Controller" or "Configure Input Plug-in".
To configure your controller, click on the radio button next to the desired controller button and perform the corresponding mouse or keyboard action. Movement of the mouse can be associated with a controller button in the same manner, so be careful not to move the mouse while associating keyboard commands or mouse clicks.