"Bits" in a Microprocessor
"Bits" essentially are the "1" or "0" of a microprocessor in binary code. One register handles a "byte," or eight adjacent bits.
Origin of the 32-bit Processor
The 32-bit processor was developed simultaneously by Intel and Motorola. The companies developed a microprocessor containing four registers rather than two.
Limitations of 32-bit Processing
32-bit processors only allow four gigabytes of RAM, shared by application programs and the operating system--good enough for home computers, but limiting to corporations using supercomputers for large databases.
Develpment of a 64-bit Processor
One cannot make 64-bit processors by doubling the number of registers in a microprocessor, as with 16-bit to 32-bit. Rather, the size of the register must be doubled.
Advantages of 64-bit Processing
In addition to being twice as fast as 32-bit processors, 64-bit processors allow for using a terabyte (1,000 gigabytes) of RAM. In contrast to a 32-bit processor, which can handle 2^32 digits, a 64-bit processor can handle 2^64 digits for large number mathematics.