Things You'll Need
Before buying weapons, determine which primary weapon best matches your personal preference. Don't forget to purchase plenty of ammo for your pistol and other weapons, including grenades.
Know the strengths of each weapon. For example, a Magnum provides superior power and accuracy while a Defender/M4A1 is powerful, accurate and can kill close groups of enemies.
Consider using the Krieg because it's deadly at any range. Another option is the K&M .45, which is particularly effective if you have a quick trigger finger. It can take down large groups of enemies in a short amount of time.
Use the Night Hawk as a secondary weapon, if possible, due to its power and accuracy.
Skip the assault rifle when you can and use your deadly accurate pistol as your primary weapon. This will make you an excellent "Counter-Strike" player.
Know which weapons to avoid. These include shotguns, which lack effectiveness; Dual Elites, which are inaccurate, lack power and take too long to reload; and the ES M248, which is an expensive weapon choice with poor accuracy and a slower fire rate.
Study a map of the level beforehand and understand your surroundings. Knowing where you are and where you need to be will help you excel.
Survey every square inch of room space to avoid surprises and ambushes. Don't run in with guns blazing.
Crouch if you are shooting a long-range target in order to ensure better accuracy.
If you are running and not firing, deploy your knife until you sense danger is approaching. You will run faster without heavy arms in your hands.