Limited Ammo
Each level you are provided with limited ammunition for your weapon. Combine this with the limited time each animal is on screen to be shot, you need to take your shots carefully. Aiming for the head almost always ensures a one-shot, one-kill scenario, but for trophy animals (cougars, deer, etc) this can ruin your score. There is a large area on most animals between the head and shoulders where you can still get a one shot kill but avoid ruining the trophy.
Choosing your blind
Each time you select a blind, it is predetermined which animals will show up. If you don't see a big game animal for your region in the first minute, pick up shop and move to the next blind so you don't waste time or ammunition on smaller game and can go for the prize trophies.
Oops I shot the wrong animal
If you shoot animals you don't currently have tags for, you will be fined and may be kicked out of your area. To prevent this, press the start/pause button immediately after shooting an animal you are untagged for. Wait 30 seconds and then unpause, you will not be fined and the animal will disappear as if you never shot it. Even the best hunters make mistakes, try to minimize yours.