Hobbies And Interests

How to Make Friends in Harvest Moon 64

Harvest Moon 64 is truly one of the most underrated games of the last 15 years. Debuting on the Super Nintendo in the earlier nineties, the Harvest Moon series has always been about socializing, friendships, and hard work. As a part of any simulation title, befriending the townspeople will affect how many festivals you attend, cut-scenes you see and who you will marry. Acquiring friendships in this game isn't easy though, and it will take patience, attention to detail, and plenty of trial and error before you fill up that contact list.

Things You'll Need

  • Good observation skills.
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    • 1

      After you get through the open sequence of the game, you will then be able to converse with the townspeople in the village. Though every person can be talked to and given gifts, the ones you will generally want to focus on are the available women. Getting your heart color higher with them will give you the chance to see them more and perhaps even allow you to tie the knot.

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      Every person in the village has her own agenda, so they will be on the move a lot. On days where you get your work done early, be sure to follow a particular person around to get a feel for her schedule. For example, Karen can be often seen at the seed shop earlier in the day, but at night she tends to customers at the local bar. On certain days of the week, she even heads to the beach. Understanding where the people in the game are at a particular hour will not only make things easy for you, it will save you precious time.

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      Just speaking with them is not enough. In Harvest Moon 64 making friends is accomplished through gift giving. Whether it is a flower, herb, food recipe, mineral or store-bought gift, every single person within the village has his own personal taste. Trial and error is the name of the game here, since 90 percent of the citizens will not give you a hint as to what they like. The bachelorettes are a bit easier to read, however, since you can give them a gift based on their work location. Karen tends to like wine. Ann loves anything to do with livestock. Popurri absolutely adores flowers. Some gifts will be easier to get than others, but as they say when dealing with love, "money is no object."

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      Though not as important as the previous two steps, adoration based on accomplishment is effective as well. How you do in festivals and your daily work will affect the type of ending you get. So alongside courting and give gifting, never forget to do your daily work; you are a farmer after all.

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      Remember that you will not be a friend or lover overnight. The world of Harvest Moon 64 takes place over several years, so be ready to devote a lot of time to it. Though it is possible to become friends with everyone in the game, it is important to know that there is no way to gauge a citizen's friendship level in this game. Later iterations of Harvest Moon added a friendship point system, which definitely made things easier. As for this game though, just keep up to date with particular people and you will be able to tell whether your hard work paid off.

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