Hobbies And Interests

How to Get the Red Mail Armor in “Chrono Trigger”

Many of the monsters your party will face in battle in the Super Nintendo role-playing game Chrono Trigger use elemental-based attacks. To defend against these attacks, you can equip magic suits of armor that absorb elemental damage. You can find the Red Mail Armor, which absorbs fire damage, inside Guardia Castle.

Things You'll Need

  • Chrono Trigger game (SNES or PS1 Version)
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    • 1

      Play through the game until you have charged the magic pendant in the Mammon Machine and gained control of the time-traveling airship.

    • 2

      Use the airship to go back in time to the year 600 A.D. and land near Guardia Castle on the northeastern continent.

    • 3

      Head inside the castle and find the locked black box in the side room of the eastern staircase.

    • 4

      Examine the box and then choose the option to leave it alone when a dialog box asks if you want to open it.

    • 5

      Leave the castle and get back into the airship. Travel to the year 1,000 A.D. and then go back into the castle.

    • 6

      Open the box in the stairwell side room to receive the Red Mail Armor.

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