"Microsoft Flight Simulator X̶1; offers a variety of graphics options for fine-tuning performance, but it's difficult to get an exact read on how your computer is handling the game unless you can see the raw frame rate. ̶0;FSX̶1; includes a simple option for displaying the frame rate on-screen, which in turn lets you tweak your settings for optimal performance. Once you have a reading on your current frame rate, you'll find it easier to make adjustments.
Open ̶0;FSX,̶1; and then select any mission or scenario.
Wait for the environment to load fully. Displayed frame rates are meaningless until the game is actually rendering environments and objects.
Press ̶0;Shift-Z̶1; twice to turn on the frame rate display. Press ̶0;Shift-Z̶1; again to display other performance information, and press it one last time to hide the display.