Open Flight Simulator X and choose the "Select a Flight" menu. Select "Chopper Pilot" and load the tour of your choice. Select the "Aircraft" menu and choose the helicopter you wish to fly. You can download more helicopters for free from sites such as and (see links in Resources).
Increase the collective until the torque gauge reaches 60 percent. The helicopter will begin to hover a few inches above the ground. You must use the anti-torque pedals to keep it pointing straight. Practice controlling the helicopter while hovering until you are comfortable with the way it handles.
Move up the collective so the torque is in the 75 to 80 percent range and the helicopter is approximately 10 feet above the ground. Push the cyclic forward to begin accelerating. Keep the blades above a 10-degree downward pitch at all times. Make sure the vertical speed stays positive throughout the entire takeoff.