Download and install one of the numerous Minecraft nickname plugins. This article's Resource section provides links to three popular options.
Access the Minecraft command prompt. Type in the appropriate command to activate the nickname feature. This command may vary depending on your specific plugin, but the typical command is "/nick".
Insert a space after the "/nick" command. Type "&" followed by a number between 0 and 9 or a letter from a to f. This two-character combination is the code determining the nickname's color.
&0 black
&a green
Type your chosen nickname directly after the color code. For instance, the entire sequence should look like this: "/nick &5Nickname". This example code would show your name as "Nickname" and colored purple.
Press the "Return" or "Enter" button. Your Minecraft nickname should now display in the coded color.
&1 dark blue
&2 green
&3 dark aqua
&4 dark red
&5 purple
&6 gold
&7 silver
&8 dark gray
&9 blue
&b aqua
&c red
&d pink
&e yellow
&f white