Hobbies And Interests

Sims 3 Mesh Tools

̶0;The Sims 3̶1; is a simulation game for the PC that allows you to create your own families of Sim people and create a virtual life for them. This includes designing and building homes, decorating homes with objects in the game, purchasing in-game clothing and designing the way each Sim looks. The aspect that draws creators to ̶0;The Sims 3̶1; is the ability to create custom content and place it within the game, as well as allow others to download and use the content.
  1. About

    • ̶0;The Sims 3̶1; is a 3-D game, with all people and objects created through 3-D art programs. A mesh is the structure that gives a 3-D object shape within the game and allows the object to take form as furniture, interactive items, clothing and even hair. Members of the Sims community develop plug-ins for existing 3-D tools and even create completely new tools that allow other Sims players to make custom 3-D mesh content for ̶0;The Sims 3.̶1;

    MilkShape 3D

    • MilkShape is a low-polygon 3-D modeling tool adopted by content creators during the development of meshes for ̶0;The Sims 2.̶1; This program is also compatible with ̶0;The Sims 3,̶1; and continues to be the main tool of 3-D mesh creation for custom content. MilkShape requires you to install community-created plug-ins that allow the program to import and export mesh files that work with ̶0;The Sims 3.̶1; This program does have a free trial and download, but you must pay to continue using MilkShape as a 3-D mesh tool.

    The Sims 3 Workshop

    • The Sims 3 Workshop is a program developed by a team of content creators at The Sims Resource website, which well-known for hosting content and creating tools that allow Sims fans to develop their own content. Workshop is a free program that works alongside MilkShape through plug-ins and imports. Once you create and export a mesh shape from MilkShape, you can further modify its appearance and categorize the object̵7;s function in Workshop. Once you finish editing the mesh, Workshop exports it into a file that ̶0;The Sims 3̶1; recognizes as an object.

    Additional Programs

    • Not only does MilkShape support the plug-ins needed to interact with ̶0;The Sims 3̶1; objects and meshes, but it also supports imports from many other 3-D modeling programs. This allows you to create 3-D objects in programs such as Blender, Wings 3-D and Google SketchUp Pro and export them in a MilkShape supported file format. Once imported to MilkShape, it can convert the mesh to a low-polygon format for editing and use with the Sims 3 Workshop.

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