Visit the Sellbot Factories in "Toontown Online." Go to 10 different factories and defeat the foreman found at each factory. After each battle, you receive a piece of the Sellbot cog suit. A total of 10 pieces are needed to complete the suit.
Defeat the senior vice president of the Sellbot Factories. To do this, you must receive enough merits to receive the ̶0;Ready for Promotion̶1; distinction on your cog suit. Merits are received by defeating each foreman at the factories and then summoning an invasion at Center Silo. After you make it through the invasion, battle the senior vice president to receive a cog suit level up.
Go to Donald̵7;s Dreamland to receive a Cashbot cog suit. Fight Cashbots to earn money in order to complete 12 Toontasks in the Dreamland area. Once you level up and receive the Cashbot cog suit, you are able to battle the CFO of the game.
Level up your Lawbot cog suit. To access the Lawbot cog suit, you must first visit Professor Flake at the Precipitation Foundation on Polar Place. All tasks in this area must be completed in order to receive the Lawbot cog suit. Defeat Lawbots in the area and receive a jury notice in exchange. For each jury notice, you are allowed into court to meet with the Lawbot Chief Justice. After each meeting, you are able to receive a Lawbot cog suit promotion.