Before troubleshooting the game, go to your graphics card manufacturer's website and check your card for updates. Your graphics card's model and manufacturer are included in your computer's specifications, often listed in the manual. After upgrading your PC's graphics card, updating the game will ensure you have the most stable version available. Open the game's main directory, usually located in your C: drive's "Program Files" folder. Double-click the "Launcher" and select "Update." If you're connected to the Internet, all available updates will automatically download and install.
Compatibility Mode
Since the game was released while Windows XP was still the current Windows operating system, that's the OS it works best with. If you're using a newer version of Windows, running the game in Compatibility Mode for Windows XP offers the most stable experience. Go to the game's directory and right-click "SWKOTOR2.EXE," selecting "Properties." From the Compatibility tab, select "Run this program in compatibility mode for" and select "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)" from the drop-down list. Click "Apply" and "OK" to exit the Properties screen.
Game Options
Start the game's Launcher from the main directory and select "Configure." Disable the "Enable Hardware Mouse" option. This option displays a game-specific cursor while you play instead of the normal white Windows cursor, but may cause crashes or freezing during loading. Click "Apply," exit the Configure menu and launch the game to test it. If you're still having problems, add a check mark to the Configure menu's "Disable Movies" option. While this option disables all in-game movies, crashes often occur while loading movies. If this works, you can always enable them again after getting past the point where crashes usually occur.
TSL Windows Vista Fix
While this user-created file has Windows Vista in its name, the fix works for Windows 7, as well. Since the game was designed to work with the older Windows XP, crashes may still occur even if you're running the game in compatibility mode. This file replaces a file in the game's directory, giving the game more compatibility with both Vista and Windows 7. Before downloading the fix, go to your game's main directory and copy the "mss32.dll" file. Paste the file to your desktop as a backup, in case your download gets corrupted. Download the fix (see Resources) and move it to your main "Star Wars: The Old Republic 2" game directory. Confirm that you want to replace "mss32.dll" and run the game to see if it loads properly.