Download the three executable files SG2TRK.exe, TRK23D.exe and 3D23DO.exe from your desired location, such as Cart Racing Headquarters (see References).
Click "Start" and type "CMD" into the field. Press "Enter" to open the command prompt. In the field, type in the following command, replacing "x" with the name of the track file you want to modify: sg2trk.exe -radtoler 1800 -arcangle 140
Type in the following command, replacing "x" with the name of the same file: trk23d.exe -am -w -nosf - sandtex x.trk
Type in the following command, replacing "x" with the name of the same file: 3d23d0.exe x.3d
Close the command prompt and load your desired 3DO modifying program, such as 3DOED or 3DO Editing Tools. Modify your tracks as desired with the in-program options. Click "File" and "Save" to save your changes.