Select the brick that you will turn into a turret. "Spawn" the brick by clicking on it with the edit wand. Select the Special Options Menu, which opens up new tabs. Click on the "Switches" tab.
Review the drop-down menu. Click on the option for turret. Wait for a new menu bar to pop open.
Fill in data for the fields that will control the turret you build. The first field to complete is Doorset. The Doorset field is what controls the switches and bricks in the game, linking them together so that you can turn bricks into hidden switches for turrets. This number can be completely random -- between 1 and 100. However, the number that's chosen must not be a number that you already used for a previous doorset, or else the doorsets will overlap. If overlapping occurs, the switches will activate more than one brick at a time, which exposes you to more potential attacks from opponents.
Complete the next data field for Rate of Fire. This field is important for establishing how fast the fire will be shot from the turret in the game. The data is measured in milliseconds, so type in 1,000 to start with -- which is a moderate speed -- and test that out. You can gradually make the Rate of Fire faster by changing this data field to a higher number.
Fill in the third data field for Range, which affects how far the fire will shoot from the turret. Determining this number requires careful consideration. On one hand, the turret must shoot far enough to take on out-of-reach opponents. However, if you have another structure that you built in the turret's way, the turret can shoot down your own building if the Range is set too high. Start with a low range of 500 and test it out to make sure you are a safe distance away from other homemade structures. Gradually advance to 1,000 -- a far Range -- to increase the distance.
Select the image for the turret, which is the last data field for customizing it. When you click on this field, you will get to choose from a variety of gun pictures. The one you select is what will get mounted on the brick you chose originally. Save these settings.
Press the zero on the number pad, which un-selects the brick that you selected. Click on the "Create Switch" icon in the menu at the top of the game. This switch is what your character will walk over toward to activate the turret. This now effectively converts the brick into a turret through the switch command.