Click on "Start," select "All Programs" and open the "Accessories" folder. Click on the "Remote Desktop Connection" shortcut. Type the Internet protocol address of your "Counter-Strike" server and click on "Connect." Enter your administrator account credentials if needed. A new window will now open, containing the desktop of the remote server.
Close the console window of your server if it is currently running. Double-click on the "Computer" icon that is on the desktop of the remote computer and navigate to the folder into which you installed the Source Dedicated Server, or SRCDS. Open the "orangebox" directory inside it and double-click on "cstrike."
Double-click on the "motd.txt" file in that directory to open it in Notepad. Type your rules inside that file. The game will display the rules you type here on a screen that is shown to every player upon connection. Save the file.
Start your server again by double-clicking on the "srcds.exe" file inside the folder into which you installed the SRCDS server.
Close the Remote Desktop Connection window.