Arrive at Lilycove City. Turn left as you arrive, which takes you to Route 121. Move toward the water by following the path that is similar to a maze. You will not be able to cut down any trees in your way, so you may need to use alternative routes. Approach the dock by the water. This takes you to Route 122.
Surf across the water, following the trail of mountains and rocks. Turn right so that you get to the entrance of the mountain -- this is Mt. Pyre. Go inside of Mt. Pyre, which eventually takes you through a small chamber.
Talk to the two characters that greet you inside, and follow the path toward the left. This takes you back outside of Mt. Pyre. Climb up the mountain following the trail. The horizontal lines resemble stairs -- you should pass over the "stairs" to climb.
Pick up the items along the way. Be careful because the higher you climb, fog and clouds move in and begin to blur your vision. Your opponents will meet you at the top of Mt. Pyre. Battle the opponents to make it to the next level.