Open "My Computer" from your desktop, navigate to your local drive, right-click on it to open a menu and select the "New Folder" option from the "New" menu. Name this folder "NFS."
Download UNIVBE.exe from Hacker's Homepage, open "My Computer," navigate to "My Documents" -> "Downloads" and drag and drop the file into the "NFS" folder.
Navigate to the directory in which you installed DOSBox by using "My Computer," right-click on DOSBox.conf and click "Open with Notepad."
Replace the line reading "Machine=XXXXX" with "machine=svga_et400." In addition, add the line "[autoexec]" to the end of the document, save it and exit.
Launch DOSBox and mount the "NFS" directory by typing "MOUNT X NFS," where the letter X corresponds to your local drive.
Place your "Need for Speed" CD in your CD-ROM drive and mount it through DOSBox by typing "MOUNT D X -t cdrom." Replace the letter X with the letter corresponding to your CD-ROM drive.
Install "Need for Speed" by typing "XINSTALLD.exe" and following the instructions. Replace the letter X with the letter corresponding to your CD-ROM drive.
Run the file you downloaded earlier, UNIVBE.exe, by typing "XUNIVBE.exe" into DOSBox, where X represents your local drive.
Play "Need for Speed" by typing "X:," "cd NFS" and "NFS," where the letter X corresponds to your local drive.