Create a folder for DOS games. Click "Start," "Computer" and "Local Disc (C:)." Right-click the screen and select "New Folder." Name the folder "DOS."
Download "Duke Nukem 3D." Save the game to the DOS folder you created. Name the file "Duke3d." Several websites provide the shareware version of the game for free.
Download the DOSBox emulator and save it to the C drive. Click "Start," "Programs" and "DOSBox Options."
Locate the [dosbox] area and look for "memsize=16." Change the 16 to 32. In the [sdl] area, find "fullscreen=false." Change "false" to "true."
Find the [autoexec] heading. Under the heading, type @ echo off. Hit "Enter." Type mount c "C:\DOS" -freesize 1000. Press "Enter" and type mount d D:\ -t cdrom -ioctl.
Go to the [render] heading and find "aspect=false." Change "false" to "true" if your computer uses an LCD monitor.
Save the changes and run DOSBox. A DOS command prompt opens. Type "cd Duke3d" and press "Enter." Type "Install." Hit "Enter" to install the game.
Type "setup" when installation completes. Change the game's settings, if desired. Click on "Save and Launch Duke Nukem 3D" to start the game.