Connect to the Internet, open your web browser and navigate to your email account.
Compose a new email to "[email protected]" titled "Error Report." Include the following information: your CabalSEA Login ID, Game Speed (whether the game generally runs smoothly, slowly or lags heavily), your Internet service provider, Internet connection speed, the date and time the crash occurred, a description of what happened when the game crashed, how often you experience issues with the game, what you have done to try to fix the problem and your location.
Click on the "Attach" button on your email toolbar. Click on "Programs," followed by "Cabal," followed by "Gameguard."
Hold down the "Control" button on your keyboard and click on each of the five ".erl" files within the folder.
Click on "Attach."
Click "Send" on the email. Your .erl file inquiry will be sent to the customer service team at Asiasoft.