Fly to the Himalayas on the map, and then speak to the Sherpa outside your plane; he will lead you up the side of the mountain. Jump over the gaps on the next few screens while connecting your rope to each metal hook along the way. Enter the Monk Temple at the end of the path.
Challenge the monk at the temple to a game of Yetis vs. Hunters ̵2; a simple, checkers-like game in which you must make it to the other side of the board without being jumped. You can retry this game as many times as you need until you win, without penalty. When you beat him, the monk will take you into the temple and let you see the Yeti scalp. Instead of giving you the scalp, he'll give you a lantern, which you'll use to discover true evidence of the Yeti.
Hop to the top of the temple. The monk on the roof will give you a clue to continue up the mountain for a real Yeti artifact. When you reach the cliff with the pink flowers, head west and take a picture of the Yeti footprint with your camera. Return to Mr. Mews; he will accept the picture as proof of the Yeti's existence, allowing you to travel to New Jersey for the next cryptid.