Open a Web browser and navigate to Click the "Buy Dragon Amulet" option, followed by the "Go" button. Type your DragonFable account username and password in the spaces provided and click the "DF Login" button to login to your account.
Click the "Select' button to the right of the Mage character that you want to turn into a DragonMage, followed by the "Buy" button. Select your payment type and enter your payment information in the spaces provided. Submit and confirm the purchase.
Navigate back to the DragonFable home page. Click the "Play DragonFable" link, type your DragonFable username and password in the spaces provided and click the "Login" button to log into your account.
Click on your Mage character and click the "Play" button to play the game with that character.
Click the "Chest" icon, followed by the "Go to Towns" option beneath the "Table of Contents" heading.
Click the "More" option twice, followed by the "Go to DragonsGrasp" option. Your character will now be taken to "DragonsGrasp."
Click on Jonath to approach him and speak to him. Jonath is the horned character wearing a blue cloak and holding a blue staff. Upon speaking to Jonath, he will give you the DragonMage armor.
Click on the "Bag" icon to view the items in your inventory. Click on the "DragonMage Armor" item listing to equip the armor and become a Dragon Mage.