Launch "Minecraft." Create a new character or select a previously saved character to begin the game.
Click on any tree in the game to acquire wooden planks. Gather four wooden planks.
Press "I" on your keyboard to open your inventory. Your personal crafting grid is a 2x2 square located to the right of the picture of your character. While you cannot create many items on your personal crafting grid, you can still create necessary items such as torches, sticks and a crafting table.
Place one wooden plank in each of the crafting grid squares to create a crafting table. To craft items successfully in "Minecraft," not only do you need the right items but you must know how to assemble them on the crafting grid.
Select the crafting table in your inventory. Right-click on any spot in the game world to place the crafting table.
Right-click on the crafting table to open it. Instead of a 2x2 grid, you now have access to a 3x3 grid to craft.
Place the proper items in the right locations to create items. For example, to create a wooden pickaxe, place one stick in the bottom two squares of the middle column of the grid. Place a wooden plank on each of the top-row squares. A wooden pickaxe is now created. Experiment with different combinations of items and placements to create new items.