Hobbies And Interests

The Cheats for Death in SIMS 2

In the computer game ̶0;Sims 2,̶1; Sims can die at any time. The use of cheats can help a Sim avoid death. Having a Sim cheat death does not affect other aspects of the game. The Sim still responds as he normally does and the other Sims do not treat him differently.
  1. Cheat Codes

    • In ̶0;Sims 2,̶1; cheat codes are available for most aspects of the game. Cheat codes are entered during gameplay. To enter a cheat, the ̶0;CTRL+Shift+C̶1; keys must be pressed at the same time. A blank field appears in the upper left of the screen to allow a player to enter the cheat code. The ability to use a cheat is activated by entering ̶0;boolprop testingcheatsenabled true̶1; in the field.


    • At some point in their life, all Sims face death. In the game, death can occur as a part of growing old or from a terrible accident, such as electrocution or drowning. When a Sim dies, the Grim Reaper shows up to collect his soul and leaves behind a tombstone or urn. If a player wants to cheat death, there are two simple methods to do so.

    Aging Off

    • As Sims age, their chances of dying from old age increases. Once a Sim reaches 90 Sim days, the Grim Reaper can show up at any time to collect his soul. If a beloved Sim has reached senior citizen status, disabling aging can stop the Grim Reaper from coming by to collect. The cheat code for aging is ̶0;aging off̶1; and should be entered in the cheat code field.

    Grim Reaper Cheat

    • If a Sim does dies, it may not necessarily be the end for him. Entering the cheat code ̶0;move_object on̶1; activates the ability to move Sims and other items that normally cannot be moved. If activated while the Grim Reaper is still collecting the Sim's soul, the player can simply click on the Reaper and delete him. After deleting the Reaper, clicking on the Sim's avatar in the control panel brings him back to life once again.

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