Download the AutoIt installation file from the developer website; a link is provided in the Resources section below. Double-click the file and follow the instructions to complete installation.
Look in your game manual for the character-movement controls. Alternatively, you can look at the key bind settings in the game.
Right-click in a folder on your computer and select "New" and choose "AutoIt v3 Script." Name the script file and place it somewhere convenient.
Right-click the new script file and select "Edit."
Type the following code in the space that says "Script Start": "Send, Keybind," where keybind is the movement key set for your character. For example, if in the game your character moves forward by pressing "W" type "Send, w" in AutoIt without the quotes. If your character moves with a mouse click, type "LeftClick, <x>,<y>" or "RightClick, <x>,<y>" where <x>,<y> equals the mouse coordinates onscreen.
Save the script edits. Right-click the script and select the "Run Script" option. Load your game and now your character will move automatically using AutoIt.