Things You'll Need
Download and install Microsoft ESP Software Developers Kit.
Carefully review the look, features and details of the instrument panel you will create. Flight Simulator X places as much emphasis on the instrument panel as it does with the plane's exterior construction. Compare the panel with those of other existing cockpits. If you find the same gauges, copy and add them to your new instrument panel.
Create a new file in your photo manipulation software with a resolution larger than 1024 by 768 pixels. Gauges and other instruments you create will look more detailed when you reduce the resolution. Design your instrument layout. If you have pictures of the cockpit you want, scan instruments and paste them onto the layout.
Using layers gives your instrument layout panel a 3D appearance. Start a light to dark gradation immediately below your panel. Two to four layers are sufficient. Apply different texture effects to each layer. Create soft shadows as a separate layer. Make another layer for the edge of the instrument panel. It is easier to make changes later by assigning separate layers.
Create a separate file for the gauges using separate layers for needles, tick marks, the actual gauge and the lettering. Export the finished gauge in a PNG format. Doing this gives you a transparent background, making it easier to merge with the instrument layout panel. Repeat this step for each type of gauge you need for your instrument panel.
Combine the gauges into the instrument layout panel. Reduce the resolution to 1024 by 768. Save your file in PSD format.
Run the PsdtoXml Tool from the Software Developer Kit to create your instrument panel for Microsoft Flight Simulator X.