Press ̶0;Escape̶1; to open the menu, and click ̶0;Options̶1; in the menu.
Click ̶0;Keyboard̶1; in the Options menu, and click the ̶0;Advanced̶1; button.
Click the ̶0;Enable Developer Console̶1; check box to enable the developer console, and close the options menu.
Press the tilde, or ̶0;~̶1;, key located above the Tab key at the left side of your keyboard to open the console.
Type ̶0;tf_bot_add count class team̶1; into the console, replacing ̶0;count,̶1; ̶0;class̶1; and ̶0;team̶1; with the number of bots, class they should play and the team they should be on, and press ̶0;Enter.̶1; For example, type ̶0;tf_bot_add 5 pyro blue̶1; to add five pyro-class bots to the blue team. You can omit any option to use a random option instead. For example, ̶0;tf_bot_add 10̶1; adds 10 bots of random classes to automatically assigned teams.
Press the ̶0;~̶1; key again to hide the console.