Open "Roblox Studio" and edit or create a new level. You can easily convert any previously made world into a level strictly for hide-and-seek.
Build your environment with plenty of places to hide in and behind. The hiding spots will have to be big enough, yet subtle enough, to hide a large "blocky" player. Typically, digging a slight hole in the ground will account for the large size of players while still creating a subtle hiding spot.
Place a large sign in front of the level that explains the rules of the world. This is where you will explain how the process of "tagging" another player will occur and how much time the player will count down from the time he is tagged. Typically, a player will tell another player he sees -- along with his location -- to tag him, and that player counts to 25 once he has been tagged.
Name the world "Hide and Seek" when you are finished. While many players read the description for many levels, the title for your game's world should tell the players everything they need to know. Naming it "Hide and Seek" will assist players and attract the right type of players to your world.