Purchase the cookies recipe from the bookstore in "The Sims 3." You can locate the bookstore using the map in the lower-right panel.
Read the book until you master the cookies recipe. Click on the book in your Sim's inventory. The inventory is in the extended panel at the bottom of the screen. When the recipe is mastered, a message will be displayed on the screen.
Click the stove or refrigerator, and then click "Bake." Click "Cookies." Wait for your Sim to bake the cookies. When finished, the Sim will place the cookies on an available countertop or table.
Press the "Pause" button in the panel at the bottom of the screen.
Click the cookies and drag them to your Sim's icon in the bottom panel. Release the cookies. The cookies will be added to your Sim's inventory.
Click the map in the lower-right panel, and then click your child's school. Your Sim will either drive or walk to the school.
Wait for the Sim to go into the school. The cookies will disappear from your inventory and be left at the school. A confirmation message displays to indicate that the cookies were successfully delivered for the bake sale.