Navigate to the "Total Annihilation Universe" website (see Resources) and click the "HPI View Pack" link. Click "HPI Tools" underneath "Document" on the right hand side of the page. Click "Save File" and wait for the download to complete.
Right click on the downloaded zip file and select "Extract all" from the pop-up menu. Click the check box next to "Show extracted files when complete" and then click the "Extract" button.
Double click the "HPIView.exe" file once the file extraction is complete. This will open the "HPI File viewer" application.
Click "File" and then "Open HPI File." A file browser will open up. Select the directory where your copy of "Total Annihilation" is installed. Left click on the "UFO" file in the directory and then click "Open." The contents of the file will display on the right pane of the application window.
Hold down the "CTRL" button and left click on all the files you want to extract from the game. They will highlight to show that they are selected. Click "File" and then "Extract."
Select a destination for the files you want to extract in the "Save As" pop-up that appears. Click "Save" to complete the process and extract the files you have selected.