Travel to the far northeast corner of the game map to the Boomers main base and speak with the Boomer inside the main hanger to retrieve the ballast units needed to raise the bomber.
Head southeast from the Boomer's main base to Lake Meade, and then swim out into the middle of the lake.
Swim to the bottom of the lake and look for the bomber.
Swim under each wing and press "E" once you see the highlighted ballast symbols on the wings. Be sure to swim back to the surface before your oxygen meter drops to zero. You should have enough time during each dive to plant one ballast unit.
Swim back to the edge of the lake once you plant the ballast units, and then select the ballast activator from your inventory and press the Fire button -- the left mouse button by default. This causes the ballast units to inflate, carrying the bomber to the surface of the lake.