Obtain a temporary library card by signing up for one at the library on Phatt Island.
Travel to Scabb Island and present your temporary library card to the bartender in the Bloody Lip. Buy a Yellow Beard's Baby and Blue Whale. You will get a crazy straw from the bartender. Combine the two drinks together to create a green beverage.
Sail to Booty Island and head to the antique shop. Purchase the horn from the shop if you have not already done so.
Head to the competition and tell the spit master you wish to participate. Attempt to spit and fail.
Blow the ship's horn as a distraction. Pick up the flags, and they will be automatically rearranged.
Use the crazy straw with the green beverage. Reenter the competition. Prepare to spit and wait until you see the red scarf on the pirate woman's waist get picked up by the wind. Spit. You will get first place and win the competition.