Hobbies And Interests

How to Get Beguile on Wizard101

"Wizard101" is a three-dimensional massively multiplayer online role-playing computer game released by KingIsle Entertainment in September 2008. In this game, you take on the role of a wizard who strives to learn many spells such as Beguile. This is a Manipulation-type death spell that forces its target to assist you, costs three pips to use, and has an 85 percent chance of working. The only way players can get the Beguile spell is to complete the Temple Dweller quest.


    • 1

      Speak to the Temple Gatekeeper near the Temple of Storms. This is the same person who gives you the Key to the Temple quest. He will provide you with a list of instructions for your next quest, promising Beguile as a reward.

    • 2

      Enter the Temple of Storms just behind the Gatekeeper to start the instance.

    • 3

      Defeat the Son of Storms, found right after you enter the instance. Defeating him completes the Test of Strength, your first objective in this quest.

    • 4

      Complete the puzzle beyond the Son of Storms. Light the snake, tree, bug and bird in the first room. Light the four moons in the second room. Light both braziers and read the book in the third room. Light the sun, tree, snake and beetle -- in that order -- after reading the book. This completes the Get Smart objective.

    • 5

      Defeat Krokopatra beyond the aptitude puzzle. Defeating him completes the final objective in the quest.

    • 6

      Speak with the Ghost of Krokhotep just beyond Krokopatra to receive Beguile.

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